Reading and Writing Bucket List

I already have a bucket list on my other blog, Klarabelle Candy, which includes some things related to reading / writing, but I thought I'd add a special bucket list on this blog specifically for books I wish to read, and various projects I hope to write. So, here we go!

*not in order of importance*

[x]. Les Misèrables by Victor Hugo
I love the musical (Broadway style and the 2012 movie) as well as the storyline; I've already read the abridged version, so now I want to read the full-length version. :) I am currently reading the "Lee Fahnestock and Norman MacAfee" translation.
{Read December 2012 - April 2013}

[x]. Ben-Hur by Lew Wallace
Ben-Hur is probably one of my favorite movies.

[]. Jane Eyre by Charlote Bronte
I read an (extremely) abridged version of Jane Eyre when I was 9, and loved the storyline.

[]. Nicholas Nickelby by Charles Dickens
This 2002 movie adaption of this book is one of my favorite movies.

[x]. Candle Man: The Society of Dread by Glenn Dakin
I read Book 1 of the Candle Man series in early 2013 and was fascinated by the genre, characters and storyline. I most certainly want to read Book 2!
{April 2013}

[x]. Book 2 and 3 of The Gideon Triology by Linda Buckley-Archer 
I found book 1 (Gideon the Cutpurse) at the library and thoroughly enjoyed it. {You can check out my mini-review of the book here!} Today, March 18, 2013, I am impatiently waiting until I can go to the library again...
{March 2013}

[]. Fatal Purity by Ruth Scurr
Several years ago I became VERY interested in the French Revolution and Robespierre, one of the leaders, in particular. Fatal Purity is a biography about Robespierre which I am very interested in reading.

[] Heart of Darkess by Joseph Conrad

[] 1984 by George Orwell

Writing Stuffs :)
[]. Write a steampunk novel
This genre fascinates me. I dream of one day writing a steampunk novel of my own, but at the moment I am trying to learn more about the genre, and read more books of the genre, before attempting. {March 2013}

[]. Write a fan fiction for someone else's novel

[]. Finish and publish the book series I am working on... (Lordwilling... these are all Lordwilling, you know. :))

[]. Write a vignette.
They're amazing.

*to be updated*

Now the question is...
What's on YOUR reading / writing bucket list? :)
Please comment below, or link back to this post on your blog! :)

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